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Why am I not seeing results from my fitness program?

Today we're going to cover why your workout routine isn't producing the results you want.

  • Just not getting your results?

  • Is it because of the "wrong" dietary supplements?

  • Is it maybe that you just haven't found the perfect routine yet?

For most exercisers, the success or failure of their workout has nothing to do with a lack of appreciation for what supplements they take or what program they're on.

But before we tell you the two easy ways to turn any routine into a success, let's take a look at the three topics listed above.


No or few training results?

Not recognizing the results is often referred to as 'hardgainer'. The term hardgainer is used to describe someone who works out but sees very little or no tangible results. Generally, these lifters classify themselves as hardgainers before they learn the keys to implementing a lifting program and before they understand the proper muscle building diet. Because most hard gainers aren't really hard gainers at all. They are simply uneducated or impatient athletes.

dietary supplements?

The dietary supplements are sold as the holy grail for. Fitness magazines, and of course the manufacturers, think that if you could just find the right combination of supplements, your training goals would skyrocket. Gains and program success have little to do with taking supplements. In fact, most athletes could experience great success without supplements.

barebell workout gym fitness

The perfect routine?

The number of workout routines that can be found on the internet is incredible. The programs vary according to intensity, style, variation, equipment, rest days, etc.

The sheer volume of information on this topic means that not only beginners are confused. Because of this irritation, many believe that if they just find the right routine, results will come. Of course that's not true. Results have little to do with a specific routine.


So what can you do to get results?

1. Proper Exercises.

You need to understand compound exercises, progression, and most importantly, flawless training.

2. The right diet.

You need to get enough protein, eat enough meals, and consume enough calories to grow.

3. Training Techniques.

Many athletes go to the gym and do the same workout, with the same weight, over and over and wonder why the desired results never come.

achieve training goals.

1. Compound exercises.

Make sure most of the exercises in your program are compound exercises. Compound lifts include: squats, deadlifts, bench press, pull-ups, dips, etc.

Compound exercises are key to building strength and muscle. Isolation exercises, cable pulls, etc. are good for the beginning and even absolute professionals, with their own trainer at their side, know how to use them. But most machines will not produce the desired results if basic exercises are not followed.

2. progress.

Keep a log of your training sessions. Every time you go to the gym, try to do more reps than last time. And when the maximum number of reps for that particular exercise is reached, add more weight for the next workout.

For strength and muscle gains, always push for more reps or more weight. If you stick to the same weight, you won't grow. The body will quickly adapt to the current load and will stop building muscle.

3. Don't train to fail.

Don't exercise to excess. Try to stop the exercise before you make a mistake and, in the worst case, injure yourself. It's not that the complete failure of the muscle in the "last set" makes you bigger or stronger. It's the increased stress that comes with continuous training.

4. Unloading times.

If your body is overtrained, achy, feels very sluggish, and/or you have joint pain after a prolonged workout, it's time to offload.

An unloading phase can last a week or two and requires you to visit the gym and also do the same routine but using 30-40% of the weight or 30-40% fewer reps. A relief phase allows your body to maintain its fitness level while you recover from fatigue.

5. Diet.

You can't exercise properly and neglect your diet. Your body needs the right nutrients to grow optimally. To get the most out of your workout, make sure you consider the following:

6. Proteins.

Make sure you're getting enough protein. It is best to eat 5-6 smaller meals a day spaced 2.5-3 hours apart than 2 or 3 large meals. Aim to consume at least 25-30 grams of quality protein with each meal.

It's also a good idea to keep changing your protein source. Eggs, Chicken, Seafood, Beef, Dairy, Soy, Vegetables and Protein Powders.

7. Meals.

As mentioned above - to grow at its best - you need a regular supply of just the right nutrients. Smaller, healthier meals keep a constant level of energy coursing through your system. Try to eat smaller meals every 2.5-3 hours with the right sources.

Tips for simple and good meals: fitness and nutrition for those who are too busy.

8. Calories.

You can't be malnourished and in a calorie deficit to grow. Estimate your (lean) body mass (weight without body fat) with e.g. skinfold calipers and then multiply this number by 21.

This is a good basis for your daily calorie intake.

You can find more training tips here ( ) and here ( -beginner ).


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