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Amir Darwish

weight training | gym

Amir has been a Stryve athlete from the very beginning.
We asked him about his tips for achieving sporting goals.

Amir's nutrition tips for beginners:

Basically you can say that you should cover all macronutrients. The question is whether you want to maintain your weight, increase it or decrease it. You need to meet your energy needs to maintain it, you need to be in a calorie surplus to gain weight, and you need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. 

This is his secret:

Personally, I do it the old school way, eating 2 grams of protein and 0.5 grams of fat per pound of body weight. Through the carbohydrates, I regulate whether I maintain my weight, lose it or gain it. Overall, the sources from which you draw the macronutrients should be of high quality.

How much does everyone have to look for themselves, of course, since it is of course also a financial question. Last but not least: hydration, micronutrients, vitamins and minerals.

I try to eat plenty of veggies and fruit on a daily basis, with veggies being more fundamental. You should make sure that you have a sufficient and constant fluid intake, as the body regulates many processes through fluids. It should be remembered that the human body is made up of almost 80% liquid.

His tip for a quick power meal:

A shake made from oatmeal, banana, and whey.

Amir's training tips:

Training is just as important as recovery.
It is therefore crucial for efficient training to set the highest possible stimulus and also to allow the muscle enough time to recover from it. Of course, there are several ways to achieve this goal and everyone prefers a different one based on their own well-being during training and their own time management.

This is what his workout looks like:

Personally, I only train each muscle once a week, but intensively. My workout includes a 10-minute warm-up on the treadmill or bike. As I progress, I dedicate myself to a large muscle group (legs, back, chest or shoulders). I start the training with a free barbell exercise, which is the basis of the training. Afterwards I basically add 3 more exercises from different elements - machines, own body weight & ropes.

Amir prefers this type of training:

I personally prefer volume training. That means I do about 5 sets and 8-12 repetitions per exercise. Towards the end of the workout, the exercises become more and more isolated to put more focus on the muscle being worked. I train arms according to any major muscle group and at the end of each workout I do an abdominal exercise, varying each time.

He loves this exercise:


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